Wednesday, July 15, 2009

the beginning

Hi all, welcome to my blog. I am new to blogging, although I have been an avid blog reader for years. I used to be the girl who would make fun of blogging with friends, saying "who the hell would care so much?" (Funny how the same could be said for twitter!) Then I would go home and get my daily fill on all the random blogs I subscribed to. Recently my favorite blog, IAmFashion, shut down leaving me in an extreme slump. My world was turned upside down, much like when the seventh book of Harry Potter came out and was devoured, or when Michael Jackson expired recently due to what his family refuses to believe is probably drugs. Anyway, I decided to start my own to fill the void.

About three months ago I created a blog... and didn't know what to write about. The impulsive effort was soon forgotten about, and the domain was put on the same shelf as my summer YouTube blog with my friend Kasey and my chocolate milk small business. Recently I have dusted that shelf, however, and although I simply polished everything else & put them back, I decided to give my blog a go; here it is. I still don't really know what to write about, so I have decided on a mix of fashion, celebrities, global issues, my issues, and stream of consciousness. As readers of my baby blog, you will soon find that when I am not rambling or obsessing I am probably not making much sense and following no apparent thought flow.

A little about myself for the curious blog stalker (like me): I am a senior in high school at an arts magnet in Dallas, TX. I lead a normal and non-exciting life, save my extensive world traveling and my knack for getting into trouble. I have no idea what I want to do with my life and am told by many that I have plenty of time to decide and there is really no rush. THIS IS A LIE. I have five years most likely before I have to leave the safety net that school provides, and I must know what I am doing before that. Real life doesn't have a safety net, so I have to begin the rest of my life while there is still one snug under me. Here are my current career thoughts:
-magazine editor
-interior decorator
-trophy wife
-restaurant owner

As you can see, my ideas are pretty spread out. Help! What are your thoughts on my wonky career path?

Thanks for reading and I hope you come back. I wish to keep my blog off the shelf of no return, but if it gets a little dusty I may ask for help. What are some of the things you would like to read about? (What are some of the things I know enough about to write about?)


1 comment:

  1. hahaha trophy wife?

    hm I'm thinking you should be a genetic engineer and make me little smurf slaves
